Marc Boucher |
surnommé Marco par de très nombreux amis |
Etudes: Maîtrise de Droit Public Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne |
Member of International Association of Olympic Historian (I.S.O.H.)
Member fo US Press Association (USPA), International Federation of New Media (IFNM) and Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques (AIJP) |
Interets: |
travel (Belgique, Grande Bretagne, Grèce, Italie, Espagne, Suisse, Suède, Norvège, Finlande, Bulgarie, Maroc, Tunisie, Côte d'Ivoire, Sénégal, Ile Maurice, Indonésie, Sri Lanka, Thailande, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodge, Malaisie, Chine, Australie, USA., Bahamas...)
Olympisme |
Computer: work on Macintosch, beta testeur différents products |
Music: classical, Sardou, Brel, sixties, Queen... |
Philately: collections on Olympic games and sport awarded in International exhibition:
Portugal, Luxembourg, Atlanta Olymphilex 1996, Sydney Olymphilex 2000, Bratislava Slovolympfila 2000, Athènes Olymphilex 2004 (large silver for philately + vermeil medal and special priice for this website), Beijing Olympex 2008 ( Vermeil medal for philately and this website) |